星期日, 12月 12, 2004

HKIA Members' Survey on West Kowloon Cultural District Development

HKIA Members' Survey on West Kowloon Cultural District Development


1. 你是否認同政府以單一財團發展西九龍文娛藝術區?

o 非常同意
o 同意
o 無意見
o 不同意
o 非常不同意

2. 你認為若依據總體發展藍圖及大綱分期發展西九龍文娛藝術區,在技術上是否可行?

o 非常可行
o 可行
o 無意見
o 不可行
o 非常不可行

3. 你是否贊成有關當局應成立「西九龍文娛藝術發展局」作為統籌,評審及監察西九龍文娛藝術區的發展及日後營運?

o 非常贊成
o 贊成
o 無意見
o 不贊成
o 非常不贊成

4. 如你對西九龍文娛藝術區發展有其他意見,請提供:

會員姓名︰ 會員號碼︰     

(* 個人資料將不會被公開)

填妥問卷後,請交回香港建築師學會秘書處。(傳真:2519 6011, 2519 3364, 電郵:hkiasec@hkia.org.hk)

~ 多謝閣下寶貴意見 ! ~
The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
West Kowloon Cultural District Concern Group
HKIA Member’s Survey

1. Do you agree to the “Single Consortium” development model as adopted by the government to develop the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD)?

o Highly agree
o Agree
o No opinion
o Disagree
o Highly disagree

2. Is it technically feasible to develop the WKCD in phases, based on a set of Master Development Plans and control documents?

o Highly feasible
o Feasible
o No opinion
o Not feasible
o Highly not feasible

3. Do you agree to establish a “West Kowloon Cultural District Development Board” to coordinate, assess and monitor the development and operation of WKCD?

o Highly agree
o Agree
o No opinion
o Disagree
o Highly disagree

5. Please provide your other opinions if any:

Name of Member: Membership No.

(* Personal particulars will not be disclosed.)

Please return your completed questionnaire to HKIA Secretariat by fax at 2519 6011, 2519 3364 or by email : hkiasec@hkia.org.hk.

~ Thank you very much for your precious opinion ! ~

HKIA West Kowloon Concern Group is carrying out a members’ survey to collect your views on West Kowloon Cultural District Development (WKCDD). Please click the following links for downloading the questionnaire.

English Version

Chinese Version

As your opinion is very important, please complete the questionnaire and return to HKIA Secretariat by fax at 2519 6011, 2519 3364 or by e-mail: hkiasec@hkia.org.hk.

Thank you very much for your support!

Yours sincerely

HKIA West Kowloon Concern Group